Climbing Skiing Mont Blanc via the Gouter Eric Jesse, July 9August 17 A Ski Mountaineering Ascent of Mont Blanc via the Gouter Route.
Climbing Armenia’s Basalt Columns – BANNED! Ilana Jesse, May 8June 27 But Why? – An interview with Mkhitar Mkhitaryan, founder and promotor of “Up the Rocks”, the group responsible for the press release publicizing the ban.
Climbing Hey, We’re In Gripped Ilana Jesse, March 4September 9 Check us out in Gripped magazine’s December/January 2013 issue.
Climbing Climb Like Sharma? Ilana Jesse, January 9June 27 Siurana, España – Climbing in the land of the hard and strong
Climbing Crank the Rainbow Ilana Jesse, September 13September 2 Climbing Diga di Luzzone, the world’s largest artificial climbing wall – Blenio, Switzerland.
Climbing How Dat Get Dere? Ilana Jesse, September 11June 27 An Interview – Exploring the work involved in establishing climbing routes
Climbing Because it’s the Matterhorn Ilana Jesse, August 30June 23 Climbing the Matterhorn via Liongrat (aka Lion Ridge, the Italian Ridge and Southwest Ridge)
Climbing Some Call it Love Ilana Jesse, August 15June 27 Grismel, Switzerland – Exploring the classics, Motörhead and Fair Hands Line.
Climbing Groping Reality Ilana Jesse, August 10November 28 Grimsel Valley, Switzerland – Climbing Siebenschläfer might make Crest Jewel feel like a jug haul.
Climbing Steph Davis: Recovering from an Injury Ilana Jesse, August 7June 30 Advice and tips on how to train while injured and recovering.